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About Hella

Information about the company and history of Hella Cocktail Co.

How did Hella Cocktail get started?

Our weekends have always been about cooking and shaking up cocktails, always trying new recipes and ideas. We started by making cocktail bitters in a mason jar because it was about all we could fit in our small Brooklyn apartment but more than that b

Who started the company?

The co-founders of Hella Cocktail Co. are Tobin Ludwig, Eddie Simeón and Jomaree Pinkard. Hella Cocktail Co. as a company is long predated by our friendships. Tobin and Eddie met in the high school days! In 2007, they both found themselves living in

Where is Hella Cocktail Co. headquartered? It says Brooklyn on the bottle.

Yes, we founded the company in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. No surprise there. Over the years, as our production needs matured and scaled, we have headquartered in a few places including Hot Bread Kitchen in Harlem. Today, our offices are located in Long

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